Childbirth is an event that brings both joy and challenges to families. In some cases, medical interventions like forceps assist in the birthing process.
While forceps can be helpful, it is important to recognize that their use comes with potential risks and complications.
Forceps and their usage
Although only 1.1% of vaginal births use forceps, they can still cause serious injuries. Doctors use these tong-like instruments to aid in the delivery of a baby.
They grip the baby’s head and guide it through the birth canal when specific problems happen, such as prolonged labor, maternal exhaustion or fetal distress. It can help reduce the need for a cesarean delivery. However, in some instances, forceps-assisted deliveries can lead to injuries.
Types of injuries
Using forceps can result in injuries to the baby’s head and face, such as bruising, swelling or cuts. In more severe cases, the baby might experience nerve damage or skull fractures. Forceps can also cause injuries to the mother, including tears in the birth canal and perineal trauma.
Reasons why injuries happen
Several factors can influence the potential risks associated with forceps deliveries. These factors include the skill and experience of the healthcare provider using the forceps. Some doctors may try to rush the procedure and end up harming the mother or child. Others may not be fully trained on how to use forceps properly or could clamp down too hard on the baby’s skull during birth.
While forceps can provide necessary assistance during childbirth, it is essential to acknowledge the potential risks they carry. Learning more about medical malpractice can help a new mother understand what steps to take next.