Unnecessary Cesarean sections, or C-sections, can introduce a range of complications for both mothers and babies. While C-sections are sometimes necessary for medical reasons, such as complications during labor or delivery, some doctors perform them without a valid medical indication.
These unnecessary procedures can lead to a variety of adverse outcomes and long-term health consequences for mothers and babies.
Increased risk of infection
A key complication associated with unnecessary C-sections is an increased risk of infection for mothers and babies. C-sections involve surgical incisions, which can become sites for bacterial contamination and infection. Infections can prolong recovery time. They may also require additional medical treatment and increase the risk of complications such as sepsis.
Longer recovery time
Compared to vaginal births, C-sections typically require longer recovery times for mothers. The surgical nature of C-sections means that mothers may experience more pain and discomfort following the procedure. Extended recovery times can impact a mother’s ability to care for herself and her newborn. They can also interfere with bonding and breastfeeding.
Respiratory issues for babies
Babies born via C-section may also experience respiratory complications compared to those born vaginally. During a vaginal birth, the pressure exerted on a baby’s chest helps expel amniotic fluid from the lungs. This facilitates the transition to breathing air. In contrast, babies born via C-section may retain more fluid in their lungs. This can increase the risk of respiratory distress and breathing difficulties.
Scientific American reports that doctors deliver 32% of babies born in the United States via C-sections. Research suggests that this amounts to about half a million unnecessary C-sections every year. By avoiding unnecessary interventions and promoting evidence-based care, health care providers can reduce the incidence of complications associated with C-sections. They can also work to improve outcomes for mothers and babies alike.